Police Open Station in Muswell Hill Organic Food Shop, Because North London

Report a crime while you stock up on quinoa.

Image via MyMuswell

In the most North London thing to happen this week, police have announced that they are to open a counter in an organic food shop in Muswell Hill.

From next week, you will be able to report crimes at the Planet Organic on Muswell Hill Road at the same time as you pick up your fresh kale and ethically sourced quinoa. It’s really good to see the police reaching out to a pillar of the community.

It replaces a previous police counter service in the area that was closed two years ago.

“It was awful when the previous counter closed in 2013, under the Conservative Mayor of London’s policing plans. Residents lost a vital local service.” said local Lib Dem CouncillorI Martin Newton, who’d campaigned for the new service. “I am delighted that residents will once again have a local contact point where they can meet with local police and trained volunteers.”

At least it’s a fresh approach to policing. 

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