Bill Cosby Accuser Files Charges That Could Actually Lead to Prosecution

One of Bill Cosby's accusers filed charges today that could actually lead to prosecution.

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Of the many allegations leveled at Bill Cosby in recent months, this is the first that may actually have some legal bite to it.

Chloe Goins filed charges this morning with the LAPD claiming that Cosby drugged and assaulted her at a party at the Playboy Mansion in 2008. Her lawyer said in a statement today that “Ms. Goins is now determined to accomplish what so many other victims no longer have the opportunity to do— to be the girl that puts Mr. Cosby behind bars, where he belongs. Ms. Goins is here today to seek justice…She fully understands and accepts the immense responsibility that her decision to be here today carries.”

While Goins’ lawyer did not say what kind of charges would be filed (that’s up to the police pending their investigation), it’s clear that these charges are more than just a symbolic gesture. “Apparently, Mr. Cosby feels brazen and confident enough in his actions to make jokes in his recent comedy shows about the 25 plus women that have been brave enough to come out and tell their stories of what he did to them,” her lawyer added in the statement. “Ms. Goins is certainly not joking…Mr. Cosby should and will be held accountable.”

While investigating a crime that allegedly occurred seven years ago may be challenging, it’s certainly not impossible. Whether the investigation actually yields enough evidence to charge Cosby with a crime, however, remains to be seen.

[via Buzzfeed]

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