Carrie Fisher and Mark Hamill Tweet About "Star Wars: Episode VII"

What did Carrie Fisher and Mark Hamill have to say in their first tweets about "Star Wars: Episode VII?"

With the much-anticipated casting announcement finally in the books, members of the Star Wars: Episode VII cast are finally free to tweet out their thoughts and feelings to the world. Among the first to the party were the Skywalker siblings, Luke (Mark Hamill) and Leia (Carrie Fisher).

Fisher committed a pretty epic blunder with her first tweet. Let’s see if you can catch it:

May the Chapter VII be with you...always. Or at least until 2015. I love know.

 …we’ll wait…

…one more second…

OK, time’s up. She said “Chapter” instead of “Episode.” The horror!

Of course, the legions of Star Wars fans on Twitter immediately corrected Fisher, prompting her to go on this Twitter binge that kind of reminded us of her 30 Rock appearance:

CHAPTER 7 is the PORN version of Episode 7 . Chapter 8 & a half is a little of both


Here's the correct vernacular version now & then g' galaxy questers ..May the Episode 7 be with you. Always...I love u--you know x


Blame my dog ,Gary, for saying chapter 7 instead episode 7; the film that will change your life, clean your droids & make you breakfast.

Hamill was a bit more reserved in his tweeting, but nevertheless seemed pretty fired up about the movie:

UK table read- I was knocked out by the diverse & extraordinarily talented new cast members. WOW they're good! The saga is in superb hands.

Since Harrison Ford doesn’t have Twitter (and given his curmudgeonly attitude towards everything, we’re guessing he never will), we don’t know yet what his thoughts are. We’re guessing that it involves a lot of quiet grumbling.

[via EW]

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