Brooklyn Drug Dealer Who Refused to Sell on Sabbath Will Spend Next Five Years in Jail

Plenty of time to think about his actions.

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Complex Original

Image via Complex Original

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Eduard Sorin is a man of conflicting principles.

Though he refused to sell drugs on the Jewish Sabbath, he was still a drug dealer, and his love of the money has earned him five years behind bars. Ironically, Sorin, 38, was arrested last Apr. 20 in Sheepshead Bay as part of an NYPD initiative known as "Only After Sundown." He and four other men—David GerowitzPhilip MandelJack Ziback and Jack Zaibak—were taken into custody after police found them with 23,000 oxycodone pills and a sawed-off shotgun.

Sorin and his crew proudly sold oxycodone, cocaine and heroin—except on the Sabbath. According to an Apr. 12 text from one of his dealers, they shut down business before sundown. "We are closing 7:30 on the dot and we will reopen saturday 8:15 so if u need anything you have 45mins to get what you want," the text read. 

According to the New York Daily News, Sorin will be under supervision for five years following his release.

[via Gothamist and New York Daily News]

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