The "IMDB Of Video Games" Needs $100k To Happen

Comprehensive database aims for a lot of user participation.

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Image via Complex Original
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Twenty-somethings everywhere owe a debt to IMDB for helping solve countless drunken pop-cultural arguments but game info is still often the domain of Wikis, if you can find the information you're looking for at all.
Vaai, a Dutch internet company, hopes to change all that with Gamebase. The $100,000 crowd-funded project over at Indiegogo would house a comprehensive database including everything from game developers and titles to the works of the countless developers making games today, plus a whole slew of Wiki-esque user-driven features and integration for gamertags and such.
If they hit their funding goal, Vaai says Gamebase will be ad-free, have separate Android and iOS apps and generally be the best source of video game information it can be. If you're interested in contributing ($50 nets you a lifetime ad-free membership) check the link below.
[via Indiegogo]

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