THQ Rewrites History--Or The Future, We Guess--For "Homefront"

How exactly did North Korea take over the U.S.? They had a license to Kim Jong-Il!

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Complex Original

Image via Complex Original

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Don’t front: North Korea scares the shit out of you. The new nukes and Kim Jong-il and -un are reason to be concerned. And THQ, in impeccably profiteeringly jingoistic fashion, is banking on that fear with their upcoming near-future shooter, Homefront(out March 8). They released an official timeline on the game’s site that chronicles the events of 2010-2027 (the period during which the game takes place). The attention to detail pays off, as the timeline includes soundbites and news clips—both real and fake—that lead up to the North Korean occupation of American soil. Hopefully, for those of us in the U.S.A., shit doesn't go down like that. By then, we'll all be too morbidly obese to move or even be shot, so they'd probably just shrug and head back across the Pacific.

By Branden J. Peters

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