Wild Nothing - "Paradise"


For the release of Wild Nothing’s “Paradise,” the breezy, nostalgia-inflected single from their upcoming album Nocturne, the band has employed a charming method:

Wild Nothing unveil a lunar tracking website and offer a free download of the new single “Paradise”. With Wild Nothing’s sophomore release quickly approaching, site provides a segue into the world of the band’s new album Nocturne.

The site is a working lunar calendar which uses geo-tracking to display accurate moon phases, luminosity, rises and moonsets all over the world. More than a calendar, the site includes tour dates, mixes and today is hosting a free download of the new single “Paradise”.

The attractively minimalist site serves as both a fun distraction and an informative primer on the activities of Wild Nothing and our moon in all its waxing, waning glory. Check out “Paradise” below and head over to Wild Nothing’s site for the download.
