Kevin Garrett - "Control"

Listen to Pittsburgh Kevin Garrett's beautiful, arresting second single "Control."

Image via Shervin Lainez


Image via Shervin Lainez

Image via Shervin Lainez

In a subgenre so typically ruled by texture and feel, even a passing dedication to satisfying structure and blunt, vulnerable lyrics can be the difference that cuts across the noise.

Kevin Garrett’s “Coloring” introduced him as an artist capable of giving compelling heart to music loosely inhabiting the same gauzy, pretty vein as, for example, James Blake or SOHN. Where some artists see fit simply to inhabit similar dreamy soundscapes to the latter two, Garrett approaches his craft with a nose for clear form and a gift for simple, poetic honesty. It’s a combination that garnered attention with “Coloring” and that continues to serve him well on beautiful follow-up single “Control.”

