Seb Torgus' "Sadboy Anthem" is a Song That You'll Either Love or Hate

Check out the 21-year-old Chicago artist's catchy new track.

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First off, let's get this out of the way: some people are probably going to hate Seb Torgus. It's inevitable. The 21-year-old former model from Chicago struts like a peacock, his lyrics sometimes border on cringe-worthy ("I don't fuck with cops but I swear I love bacon"), and his song "Sadboy Anthem" exists in that much-hated-on lane between singing and rapping (e.g. Post Malone, ILoveMakonnen) that gets fans of traditional hip-hop worked up.

But "Sadboy Anthem" is an addictive melody backed by euphoric production, an irresistible chorus, and a positive message. "'Sadboy Anthem' is really just about how everyone in the city right now wants to make it but no one really wants to be different and be themselves," Torgus tells us. "I wanted it to be fun, and also show people I was being myself. As much as it's sad, it really is a happy theme song."

Shout out Ruddy Rock for sharing.
