An Unreleased Childish Gambino and Heems Music Video Just Surfaced

In 2012, Childish Gambino collaborated with former Das Racist rapper Heems on a track called “Tell Me,” from Heems’ solo mixtape Wild Water Kingdom. No video was ever released to accompany the track, although it certainly looks like one was produced: an unofficial music video for “Tell Me” recently surfaced (via, and in the black-and-white clip, Gambino and Heems rap at the camera while enjoying a hedonistic lifestyle in a hotel room.

Although “Tell Me” was originally released by Heems, the video is credited as a Gambino track featuring Heems, instead of the other way around. In the video’s comments section, clarified that when the video was shot, the song was Gambino’s and it was untitled.

Also in the video, Gambino says he has a broken foot while flashing his walking boot; Gambino broke his foot in March 2012, so we’re guessing the video was filmed in the month or so after that. Aside from that, there seems to be no more information about the video’s production or origins.

Gambino and Heems also previously collaborated on “Womyn 2” from Heems’ 2012 mixtape Nehru Jackets. Heems put out his debut solo album Eat Pray Thug earlier this year, while Gambino’s most recent release was his 2014 mixtape and EP STN MTN / Kauai, although he’s been busy outside of music as well since then…
