Watch Lianne La Havas' Angelic Acoustic Rendition of "Unstoppable"

The singer's acoustic rendition of her "Unstoppable" single is a slice of heaven

No disrespect to the 808s, synths, and softwares of the modern day, but little impresses more than a sweet voice paired with the right guitar chords. Lianne La Havas, a gifted singer-songwriter in her own right, lifts her previously released “Unstoppable” to heavenly heights with just those two elements in a new video unveiled by The Daily Beast.

Arpeggios and an oft-tender, occasionally soaring vocal range replace the soft drums and sparkling effects of that first version. The result is nothing less than mesmerizing, like a lush tropic isle before humans ever set foot on its beaches.

Watch her stripped-down reimagining of the record above, and check out the original “Unstoppable” video right here. Blood drops tomorrow and is currently streaming via NPR.
