Lil Pump Performs "Gucci Gang" From the Top of a Van for a Crowd of Screaming Fans

Lil Pump has a rockstar moment.

Lil Pump gets a lot of hate, but it's hard to deny that he's tapped into something that fans are connecting to. It's more difficult to knock his repetitive style after seeing sold out concert venues full of people losing their minds to his high-energy music.

This week, Pump had a rockstar moment when he encountered a parking lot full of screaming fans and decided to climb on top of a van and perform his hit "Gucci Gang." Er—the crowd did most of the performing for him, but Pump played conductor as he jumped around the top of the van, waving his arms around to roars of "Gucci gang, Gucci gang, Gucci gang, Gucci gang, Gucci gang."

You can watch the clip above and continue for New Yorkers' reactions to Lil Pump below.

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