Martin Shkreli Leaks Unreleased Wu-Tang Clan Music Following Trump Win

Shkreli, who bought the only copy of 'Once Upon a Time in Shaolin,' said he'd release the album if Trump won.

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Martin Shkreli hasn't been in headlines for a while now, but considering the stir he caused last year when he purchased the only copy of Wu-Tang Clan's $2 million album Once Upon a Time in Shaolin, he was bound to resurface at some point or another. The ordeal reached peak weirdness when it became a sort of beef between him and Ghostface Killah, even prompting RZA to speak on the matter.

It seemed unlikely for the album to surface in any way following his purchase of the album, but it seems that Shkreli has had a change of plan. Shkreli said that he'd release the album if Donald Trump won his bid for presidency, and following the announcement that Trump would be the next president of the United States, Shkreli delivered by interrupting his usual stream of League of Legends—​a popular esport video game for streamers and people who don't understand Dota 2—and previewed music from the unreleased album.

A number of users backed-up the streams of Shkreli leaking music from the album, with him explaining that he'll have to negotiate terms of a wider release with Wu-Tang themselves before he releases it in full. Following the announcement of Trump's win, Shkreli also claims he has unreleased music by The Beatles, Tupac, Nirvana, Radiohead, Jimi Hendrix, Brand New, The Smiths, Elliott Smith, and The Ramones. He then went on a bit of Twitter rampage with some rather unsavory comments.

Martin Shkreli initially gained infamy for increasing the price of Daraprim, a drug used on patients with weakened immune systems. He's continued to attract attention thanks to his troll-like behavior on social media, continuing to antagonize in hopes of keeping his villain status.

Watch Shkreli leak music from the album above and below.
