BANKS Shares Emotional New Single "To The Hilt"

The LA singer shares a somber cut from 'Altar.'

Banks "To The Hilt"
Image via Banks
Banks "To The Hilt"

The three previous singles we've heard from BANKS' next albumĀ AltarĀ featured a more powerful, confident vocal delivery than anything we heard on 2014's Goddessā€”but the Los Angeles singer slows things way back down "To The Hilt."

With minimal piano production, the song leaves plenty of room for deeply personal lyrics and ethereal vocals to grab the spotlightā€”painting the picture of an unraveled relationship. "I blew up and you were gone / so they say it's the industry / but I miss you on my team," she sings, hinting that her rising success and popularity in the music industry may have led to the downfall of her relationship. She continues: "You were my muse for so long / now I'm drained creatively."

Showing a more vulnerable side to coping with breakups than the defiant SOHN-producedĀ "Gemini Feed,"Ā this latest single points to a well-balanced sophomore LP. Look out for Altar on September 30. Listen below (and check out a fascinating new mini-documentary about BANKS via NPR below that).
