Flying Lotus Is Making Films Now, And All Because of a Thom Yorke GIF


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Straight out of left field, Flying Lotus shared surprising news this afternoon: he has entered the movie business. The super producer has long held a firm grasp on crafting soundscapes that could double as film scores (and occasionally do), but he had yet to embrace cinematography until now. The tipping point that led to his decision might be hard to believe.

According to Ellison, he saw a GIF of him and  Thom Yorke DJing and thought to himself, “Shit. I can make stuff like that.” That leap—jumping from a short, recyclable clip to feature films—is what birthed a new Brainfeeder division that will create within another realm of art and entertainment, albeit one akin to music.

The announcement is far from wishful thinking. Lotus says the nascent department’s first piece, Royal, will debut this August in Los Angeles at Sundance NEXT FEST. He’ll act in the film about “awkward love” and new music will at least partially comprise the soundtrack.

Read all of FlyLo’s tweets below, the last of which he published just 20 minutes ago.
