Watch Cashmere Cat Play "Waves" at Bonnaroo

UPDATE (6/18/16): Cashmere Cat tweeted that the version he played is in fact the original.



Another version of Kanye West’s Life of Pablo cut “Waves” has hit the internet. Late last week, Cashmere Cat laid siege to the Bonnaroo festival stage and entertained a crowd of thousands. A particular highlight from his Thursday set—a remix of the song Chance The Rapper saved—soon made its way to YouTube, and the Norwegian artist shared the clip with the world earlier this afternoon.

We’re glad he did. Footage of the song captures an altered vocal line, cranked up a couple octaves (and then some). The change provides new energy to an already grandiose record, and recalls the sped-up soul samples synonymous with West’s production career. The man born Magnus August Høiberg previously worked with Ye on “Wolves.”

Head above to watch the short video of Cat’s set—audio’s surprisingly crisp.




