Radiohead's "Burn The Witch" Video Was Apparently Inspired by European Refugee Crisis

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Image via YouTube

Radiohead shared a new single yesterday, and with it came a set of fascinating stop-motion visuals. While some may have already come up with what the sinister clip is meant to represent, animator Virpi Kettu spoke with Billboard to shed some light.

According to Kettu, who had also worked on 2013’s “There There,” Radiohead wanted the “video to contrast with what they’re playing and to wake people up a bit.” This is, of course, referring to the stop-motion clip that features elements like beheading, hanging, and burning people alive.

As well, Kettu explained that Radiohead may have wanted the video to raise awareness about the European refugee crisis and for it to represent the “blaming of different people… the blaming of Muslims and the negativity” (“burning the witch”). She also believes that those postcards Radiohead had sent out to fans, which read “We know where you live,” relates to anti-immigration politicians and their current insecurities.

As for Radiohead’s ninth album itself, Kettu confirms that based on what she’s heard, it’s going to be “very dark.” This makes sense, considering how the somewhat disturbing visuals for “Burn The Witch” is supposed to be happier than the song itself.

Radiohead is slated to premiere the album in its entirety at this year’s Primavera Sound in Barcelona. “Burn The Witch” has not been confirmed as the album’s first single yet.

Watch Radiohead’s video for “Burn The Witch” here.
