Stream the Premiere of Northern California Native Caleborate's Album "Hella Good"

A Berkeley resident emerges with a polished sound and something to say.


Northern California native Caleborate has the perspective and tone of what gets labeled an old soul. There’s a concertedness to his rapping and beat selection that suggests vision seeming to reach beyond his age and the confines of his residence.

Caleborate’s newest project Hella Good carries a decidedly California cool while drawing its sonic palette from a wellspring that touches on the south’s more soulful elements and unique twists on current trends—standouts “Kaytra,” “The Fuzz II,” and “That Real” highlight the former; equal highlight “SMH” touches on future bounce in a way that feels fresh and personal. Hella Good impresses as a cohesive body of work, largely built on autobiography and well-crafted aesthetic.
