Tyler, the Creator Interrupts News Broadcast for Fake Birthday Celebration

Many celebrities will admit that doing non-stop promotion for something they’ve been working on can get tiresome after explaining the same concept for the hundredth time. While most artists would just carry on with their job and do what needs to be done, no matter how boring, others try to make the most of it. Tyler, the Creator is one of those people.

Tyler stopped by the Los Angeles station KTLA on Tuesday to help promote the upcoming Camp Flog Gnaw carnival. But after a few minutes of answering boring questions, Tyler stopped the interview saying that it was “birthday time!” Fellow Odd Future and Loiter Squad member Jasper Dolphin came out with confetti, balloons and a cake for the fake celebration. When one of the reporters asked who’s birthday it was Tyler simply answered, “It’s everyone’s birthday!”

Watch it all unfold above.
