Coldplay - "Midnight"

Listen to Coldplay's surprising new song, "Midnight."

I was making fun of Coldplay just last week, describing them as a “now wholly corny crew” as I introduced Osca in our Daily Discovery series. Back when they released their first two albums, Coldplay was a respectable group—making big pop songs, sure—but not ridden with the kind of overblown production and sentiments that filled Mylo Xyloto. 

Any band can have their missteps, and today Coldplay is back with a surprise new song and a surprise new sound. “Midnight,” which is shared via the creepy video above, was produced by the brilliant Jon Hopkins and sounds, with that vocodered falsetto, rather like a Bon Iver song. Not even mad.

Let us know what you think of Coldplay’s new direction in the comments.
