Video: Kanye West Has Fan Removed From Concert


Things turned ugly for a minute at the Washington stop of the Watch The Throne tour. Kanye West was up there, doing his thing, rocking out on some “All Falls Down,” when a member of the audience decided, “Now seems like a good time to throw my business card on stage.”

You fucking idiot.

This guy is probably the guy who Tweets to celebrities in all caps, telling them about his new business ventures and boiling over with frustration when they never respond. He’s probably the guy who takes a girl out to a movie as a date, and during that epic part of the movie when someone is dying and every girl in the room is tearing up, that’s when this guy lets out a fart. He’s the one who spills red wine on your mom’s carpet during your awesome house party. He’s the guy who takes jokes one step too far and turns innocent pranks into relationship-spoilers. He gets too drunk at weddings; he says inappropriate things at funerals.

This guy ruins everything.

Maybe Kanye overreacted a little, but honestly, this guy probably had this one coming. Watch the video below…

