Want A Free Madeon Track? Solve This Puzzle First
Earlier today, Madeon threw the following update on Facebook, letting the world know that he was going to be releasing a track that was "hidden" in this website...
Earlier today, Madeon threw the following update on Facebook, letting the world know that he was going to be releasing a track that was "hidden" in this website:
Earlier today, Madeon threw the following update on Facebook, letting the world know that he was going to be releasing a track that was "hidden" in this website:
In my mind I literally though "Free, previously-unreleased Madeon material? Sign us up. Wait, what the hell? I have to solve puzzles? I didn't sign up for this!" I wanted to then share this with you, the DAD readers, in an effort to share some good ol' fashioned puzzle solvery... but no sooner had we seen this link than some other websites spoiled the fun. FUCKED UP THE FUN! Yeah, you could probably click a site and find out how to crack the code (or even find links that will take you to the sign-up sheet to get the tune sent to you for free), but c'mon, Internets. Can we just get something that is puzzling for once in our lives? Please?
Whatever, if you want some bright, funky disco-tinged excellence from the producer, go in.