Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie Schools French Journalist After She Asks If There Are 'Libraries' in Nigeria

Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie had the perfect comeback after a French journalist asked her if there are libraries in Nigeria.

On est en 2018, et une des plus grandes romancières au monde doit expliquer qu'il y a des librairies dans son pays. Restez jusqu'au bout pour voir la réponse brillante de Chimamanda Adichie :

— Loopsider (@Loopsidernews) January 26, 2018

French journalist Caroline Broué had to put her foot in her mouth after she asked Award-winning Nigerian author Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie whether or not there were libraries in Nigeria. 

Adichie was the guest of honor at La Nuit Des Idees, or The Night of Ideas, and was there to talk about the "commitments to the fight against inequality between men and women, her convictions with respect to the role that African countries should play in globalization." But Adichie ended up having to school Broué on herself, especially when her follow-up reasoning wasn't any better, according to one dual-language speaking tweeter.

And to think the journalist doubled down on this ridiculous question with: Oh in France, we don't know very much about Nigeria. When we hear Nigeria we think about boko haram and violence and security. Tell us something different.

Girl really? #Bye

— Yvonne Mburu (@ymscientist) January 25, 2018

"I think it reflects poorly on France that you asked that question," quipped Adichie to wild applause. "Because I think surely, it's 2018. You know what I mean? Come on."

Some tweeters have pointed out since the two were speaking through real-time translating devices, there might have been miscommunication since libraries could also mean bookstores. But...that doesn't make it much better.

Instead of criticizing Broué, another tweeter thought it would have been best to educate her to stop any further ignorance of Nigeria in France.

You know I am not even suprise by the question, and she is right, little is known about Nigeria in France, We should use the opportunity to éducate some french people about Nigeria #culture #education #ChimamandaNgoziAdichie

— Undiscovered Canvas (@nomazanongqunga) January 26, 2018

But if anything, it's clear that Broué didn't read Adichie's famed novel Americanah, which follows two book-loving Nigerian lovers as they navigate the choices they make and try to create a life for themselves. The novel is set to be turned into a film starring Lupita Nyong'o and David Oyelowo. But it's release date has yet to be announced.

In the meantime, check out the full exchange between Broué and Adichie above and watch the full interview below.

#NightOfIdeas : Chimamanda Ngozie Adichie launches the #NuitDesIdees at the Quai d’Orsay in Paris

— France Diplomacy🇫🇷🇪🇺 (@francediplo_EN) January 25, 2018


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