NYC Street Shuts Down as Thousands of Bees Swarm Times Square Hot Dog Stand

As thousands of people around the world watched a livestream from Reuters, a large swarm of bees from an overcrowded hive landed on a small hot dog cart at 43rd Street and Broadway.

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Just when you thought Times Square couldn't get any more chaotic than it already is, thousands of bees swarmed a hot dog stand on Tuesday at around 2:00 p.m., partially shutting down a New York City street.

As thousands of people around the world watched a livestream from Reuters, a large swarm of bees from an overcrowded hive landed on a small hot dog cart at 43rd Street and Broadway.

Bees swarm hot dog stand in New York's Times Square

— Reuters (@Reuters) August 28, 2018

To solve the problem, a police officer geared up in a bee suit and started sucking down the bees with a vacuum. Apparently bee incidents like this are common enough in New York City to warrant an official verified Twitter account for the NYPD bee keeper. Explaining what caused the swarm, the account tweeted, "Over crowded hive on a very humid day caused them to take temporary residence while scout bees are out finding a new permanent residence."

About 25k were relocated after getting notified from our great crowd in Times Square. Over crowded hive on a very humid day caused them to take temporary residence while scout bees are out finding a new permanent residence.

— NYPD Bees (@NYPDBees) August 28, 2018

Having a little fun with the surprise mid-afternoon event, Commissioner of the New York City Police Department James P. O'Neill tweeted a classic bee dad joke as the swarm was being vacuumed away.

Fear not, New Yorkers and tourists. Midtown Manhattan is all abuzz about #NYPD’s ability to bee 🐝 a full-service organization. Right now, we’re humanely, & safely, handling the @NYPDBees swarm in @NYPDTimesSquare. Just another day in #NYC. @NYPDnews

— Commissioner Sewell (@NYPDPC) August 28, 2018

New York City residents may have been reminded by a similar swarm of nearly 30,000 bees that took up residence on Times Square rooftop ledge. See footage of that below.

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