GOP Delegate Blames Mass Shootings on Divorce and Weed

A GOP delegate blamed mass shootings on divorce and weed during a meeting on the Republican platform.

Image via Wikimedia Commons

The Republican Party will officially select its presidential nominee at next week's Republican National Convention in Cleveland. That means this is the week they'll spend arguing in a big meeting about the things that they, the party delegates and officials, believe Republicans should stand for—aka the party platform. As you might imagine, the meeting is kind of hilarious.

Molly Ball, who writes about politics for The Atlantic, is there live-tweeting it and shared a few gems. Here's what happened when the party was debating whether or not they should make legalizing certain forms medical marijuana part of the platform. 

GOP platform committee debating whether to support states allowing non-smokable medical cannabis.

— Molly Ball (@mollyesque) July 11, 2016

And this was one delegate's argument against doing that. 

RNC delegate: “All of the mass killings that have taken place, they’re young boys from divorced families and they’re all smoking pot."

— Molly Ball (@mollyesque) July 11, 2016

Aaaand medical marijuana will not be something Republicans say they care about for the next four years. 

Putting medical cannabis in the GOP platform has been defeated.

— Molly Ball (@mollyesque) July 11, 2016

Okay, moving on. How about the failed war on drugs? Are Republicans ready to start working on that?

GOP platform committee now debating whether to acknowledge “the social and economic costs of the failure of drug prohibition."

— Molly Ball (@mollyesque) July 11, 2016

Is someone really going to argue against doing that? Answer: yep. 

CA delegate: “I strongly oppose this and I would recommend that we all read about the Opium Wars in 19th Century China."

— Molly Ball (@mollyesque) July 11, 2016

So what did they decide?

Aaaand the anti-drug war language fails to make it into the GOP platform.

— Molly Ball (@mollyesque) July 11, 2016

Alright, Republicans, one more chance to surprise someone. 

A NY delegate is now pleading emotionally for more gay-friendly language in the GOP platform. All her efforts failed in subcommittee.

— Molly Ball (@mollyesque) July 11, 2016

Can you guess where this is going?

A MO delegate says single parent homes, not poverty, are to blame for children’s educational problems.

— Molly Ball (@mollyesque) July 11, 2016

And here we have it.

The GOP platform reference to the “traditional two-parent household” being best for children has been adopted.

— Molly Ball (@mollyesque) July 11, 2016

Do you, GOP. Do you.

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