117 New Emojis Will Be Coming to Your Devices

The new emojis will include more gender-inclusive options.

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New emojis will be rolling out on the iPhone, iPad, Mac, Android, and other devices this year.

Included in Emoji Version 13.0 are the “Italian Hand,” disguised face, ninjas, anatomical body parts, smiling face with tear, the Transgender flag, new animals and food, parents feeding baby, and more.

📝 Now approved: 117 new emojis for 2020 #Emoji2020 https://t.co/SojQuXZvv6 pic.twitter.com/sHp7GDsSal

Unicode Consortium shared the official list of the latest 117 emojis. Additional emojis include gender-inclusive options (even Santa), a black cat, polar bear, seal, bubble tea, fondue, tamale, new tools, a boomerang, and insects.

New in Emoji 13.0: Pinched Fingers, with skin tone support #Emoji2020 https://t.co/nSYHGVUTJn pic.twitter.com/AFGuZf2azR

Some of the new emojis are alternatives to current symbols that increase gender-inclusivity, such as a woman or gender-inclusive person in a tuxedo, and a gender-neutral person or a man in a veil. These additions are part of a growing push to “make more consistent set of gender options across the board, and expands upon the 138 new gender-neutral emojis added in late 2019 as part of Emoji 12.1,” the outlet writes.

New in Emoji 13.0: Transgender Flag #Emoji2020 https://t.co/DT0nXZx6HM pic.twitter.com/y3oEUHZUTD

In December, a petition for Apple to make Baby Yoda an emoji, titled "Make Baby Yoda an Emoji," was launched on Change.org and has almost reached its goal of 75,000 signatures. 

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