Donald Trump Might Be Planning to Ruin 'Saturday Night Live' With a Guest Appearance

"I'm just now allowed to say it," Trump said when pressed for details. "I can't speak about it. Silencio!"

Image via Gage Skidmore

After being killed at the hands of a frustrated Garrison on this week's South Park, Donald Trump has risen from the animated dead to (accidentally?) hint at a possible Saturday Night Live appearance. Trump, pictured above expertly impersonating an orange creamsicle with teeth, will be gracefully portrayed on the forthcoming season of SNL by Taran Killam. Sadly, this doesn't necessarily mean that Trump will simply show up to gracefully portray Killam before screaming "Live from New York, it's the future of politics!"

Speaking with CNN's Alisyn Camerota on Thursday, Trump tried his damnedest to not drop a series of hints while subsequently doing exactly that. "I'm not allowed to say that," Trump told Camerota when pressed about an SNL cameo. "I'm just now allowed to say it! I mean, I have silencio. I can't speak about it. Silencio! Perhaps you know what that means." Thanks, Donald. We most certainly know what that means.

The season premiere of Saturday Night Live is now less than two weeks away, meaning we all still have plenty of time to prepare for the possible end of comedy, dealt a swift death blow by Donald Trump.

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