Reviewing The Milan Men's Spring/Summer 2013 Shows (Kinda, But Not Really)


This is fashion and fashion is serious. We're in the midst of the most serious fashion event of all fashion events—those pesky European fashion week(s). London, Milan, Paris. All eyes are on the motherland. The shows roll out faster than you can check the itinerary in your Goyard portfolio. And when they do everyone becomes a critic. Even Four Pins. But since there are plenty of very self-serious reviews to read out there, we wanted to approach it a little differently. Because opinions are like assholes, and, well, there is no shortage of assholes in the world. Sit back and learn yourself some fashions.

Images courtesy of Fashionising.

Noah Emrich is a photographer living in New York City. See more of his photography here and follow him on Twitter here.


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