Todd James “King Of The Wild Frontier” At Gering & Lopez
REAS' latest works go on display tonight in New York City.
King Of The Wild Frontier, Todd James' latest exhibition opens tonight at Gering & Lopez in New York City. REAS has been working on images inspired by Somalian pirates for several years... but, this time around, things are a little different. Moving beyond paintings on paper, James has translated his now iconic figures into full color painted canvases. The immediate difference is in the graphic punch, but James also notes that the medium switch has changed working habits as well. Make no mistake, these are time consuming efforts.
Complementing the new oil paintings is a recreation of the "Vandal's Bedroom", most recently recreated at MoCA's Art In The Streets. Peek through the windows and enter the world of a 1980s NYC graffiti obsessed teen. The inclusion is a sort of "you don't know where you are, unless you know where you've been" sidebar to the bright AK-47s and gun straps of the pirates. Further connection? Both vandals and pirates step over invisible boundaries put in place by faceless power structures.
Tonight's opening runs from 6 to 8pm.
Gering & Lopez, 730 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY