Pre-Season With Park & Bond


Alright, fall is around the corner and you're finally ready to not look like a chump. You've been reading blogs because that's what people do. You've even been reading good blogs, like Four Pins, to get the kingliest of king shit recommendations. But, let's face it, nobody's perfect. Half the gear on this site is weird Japanese nonsense you can't even buy. Just kidding, but seriously. What the fuck Jon Moy, right? So yeah, Park & Bond's latest feature is all about product you can buy right now—instant upgrade after instant upgrade after luxe tomfoolery after instant upgrade. I even recommended some stuff out of the goodness of my shriveled, black heart. (No, I didn't get paid to participate, but I sure wish I did.) Assuming you hate my dumb face and don't want to take advice from that same dumb face, a bunch of other mensy guys with less dumb faces than mine also participated. Get your reps in this pre-season. Come kickoff you'll be ready to body the fuck out of fall.


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