This Animated NBA Finals Preview Is the Greatest Thing on the Internet
This NBA Finals preview will have you laughing until gametime.
Image via Complex Original
The 2015 NBA Finals start tonight between the Warriors and Cavaliers. The main headline is NBA MVP Steph Curry vs. former MVP and homecoming king LeBron James. There are tons of NBA Finals previews out there, but we found the best one on YouTube.
There is some serious gold in this preview from Taiwanese Productions. When the video opens up, they discuss fair-weather fans paying for overpriced tickets and, of course, the people at the ticket booths are morbidly obese:
Then, there's a picture of James and Curry as newborns:
But then, things get really weird in the video. Curry takes LeBron's headband off at one point and laughs at his bald head:
LeBron also pulls out a can of Rogaine and grows an afro:
But the best part is when Kevin Love is on the bench, shown thinking about leaving the Cavs for the Lakers or Celtics. LeBron immediately pegs him with the ball and he goes flying:
You see why this is the greatest thing on the Internet? Try and only watch it once, I dare you.
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[via Taiwanese Productions]