Half of Amare Stoudemire's Hand Was Reportedly "Hanging Off" After He Punched a Fire Extinguisher the Other Night


May 2, 2012
Not Available Lead
Image via Complex Original
Complex Original

We've gotta hand it to Amar'e Stoudemire (hahaha—see what we did there?! Okay, sorry, no more...): He wanted to inject some life into the city of New York the other night when he punched that poor, helpless fire extinguisher after the Knicks lost to the Heat—and he has done it. Unfortunately, he's got everyone talking for all the wrong reasons.

In the latest news surrounding Stoudemire's ill-advised fight with a fire extinguisher, ESPN's Chris Broussard was able to speak with someone who was standing near him when he decided to haul off and put his fist through a piece of glass that covered the fire extinguisher. And, the details surrounding the punch are gory, to say the least.

"He didn't haul off and punch the glass out of frustration," Broussard's source said last night. "He kind of slapped it, but with a closed fist. He said he thought it was plastic instead of glass…Half of his hand was just hanging off. It was really bad. Blood was just squirting out. That's why they had the paramedics come in, because they thought he might have punctured an artery because of how much blood was coming out."

Damn. Half of his hand was "hanging off"? That sounds painful and way worse than we originally thought. So, all jokes aside, get well soon, STAT.

RELATED:Twitter Reacts to Amar'e Stoudemire vs. the Fire Extinguisher

[via ESPN New York]

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