Yasiel Puig Is Getting Sued for $12 Million and Accused of Being an Informant for Cuban Government

Who saw this one coming?

July 20, 2013
Not Available Lead
Image via Complex Original
Complex Original

Yasiel Puig: Dodgers sensation, rookie phenom, and Cuban government informant? Yes, someone is legit accusing Puig of being the latter.

Corbacho Daudinot of Cuba is suing the outfielder $12 million for giving a false testimony that led to his seven-year prision sentence. Puig and his mother testified against Daudinot when he was being tried for human trafficking in 2010. The case cented around Puig's plan to escape Cuba. Daudinot believes Puig did this to show his loyalty to the Cuban government in hopes of rejoining the country's top baseball league; he was demoted because he was accused of planning to defect.

Puig is, of course, not commenting on these allegations. He succesfully defected from Cuba in 2012 after several attempts according to VOXXI, including an attempted getaway in a speedboat.

RELATED: Who Is Dodgers' Yasiel Puig?

[via LA Times]