Greece Advances After Penalty Kick in Stoppage Time (GIFs)

Greece advances to their first ever World Cup knockout stage after beating the Ivory Coast 2-1 with a penalty kick during stoppage time.

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Image via Complex Original
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Jubilation in Greece heartbreak in the Ivory Coast. That's because a penalty kick during stoppage time (those closing minutes where nobody has any freakin' idea how much time there is left to play besides the refs) gave the Greeks a 2-1 victory and along with it advancement into the knockout stage (for the first time in their country's history). The devastating loss sent the Ivory Coast squad back across the Atlantic to ponder the penalty that led to the free kick. Oh, did we not mention it was controversial? Here's a quick look at the "transgression" that led to the winning kick:

Apparently the grass plays for the Ivory Coast. From another angle it may look more like a penalty (that's why we said "controversial" instead of just writing "Ivory Coast Gets Robbed"):

That led to this (which should replace "fish in a barrel" as the new idiom for an appallingly easy task):

For as little scoring as there is in soccer matches, they pretty much give you penalty kicks. It's like a free throw if free throws were shot from layup distance.

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