Is This What the New Stormtroopers Will Look Like?

If these leaked images are to be believed, the stormtroopers will be sporting some slick new helmets in "Star Wars: Episode VII."

Although they have worse aim with their blasters than James Bond villains, Stormtroopers are a vital part of the Star Wars universe. And now, it appears we know what these inept baddies will look like in the upcoming Star Wars: Episode VII.

Indie Revolver has obtained photos from a source they are terming as “reliable,” and this source says that the above photo is an actual helmet being worn in the new Star Wars. These new helmets are basically sleeker versions of what was in the original three films, something that J.J. Abrams seems to be going for quite deliberately as he seeks to make these new movies a much more accepted part of the canon than the three prequels.

It may be a little nerdy, but there is something really exciting about these updates no matter how trivial or small. OK, so it’s a lot nerdy. Whatever. We’re not sorry.



[via Indie Revolver]

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