Hawaiian Lawyer Fined for Licking Client's Ear

Raising the bar for perverted behavior.

July 15, 2012
Not Available Lead
Image via Complex Original
Complex Original

A lawyer in Hawaii was convicted of harassment after licking his 21-year-old client's ear, We're pretty damn sure he didn't learn that at law school. 64-year-old Lawrence McCreery was found guilty after a former client testified that he licked the back of her right ear as they discussed her child custody case last year.

In true creep fashion, she allegedly told the woman "you look so good," and "too bad you're married" before making a "weird sound" while giving her an uncomfortably tight hug. Then, he commenced with the inappropriate licking. McCreery claims that he never licked her, and that she initiated the hugging.

Because there's no evidence to support his claims that she initiated things, McCreery was ordered to pay a $250 fine. Worse, a judge referred to him as a "dirty old man." Good luck getting clients now.

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[via The Huffington Post]

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