Nintendo 3DS to Get a New "Kirby" Title in 2014 (Video)
Everyone's favorite pink, amorphous blob returns. Kirby would be heading to the Nintendo 3DS for his next jelly shaped outing. Watch the launch trailer here.
October 1, 2013
Show me one person that doesn't like Kirby. Seriously, I'll wait.
That's right, you can't. You know why? Because he/it is so impossibly and disarmingly adorable, you'd basically be Stalin if you had a problem with him. Good thing for you he's coming back for his first solo title in years at some point in 2014. During this morning's Nintendo Direct event, Nintendo head honcho, Satoru Iwata, dropped the news that Kirby would be heading to the Nintendo 3DS for his next jelly shaped outing. Watch the launch trailer above and let the pink wash over you.