Justin Trudeau’s Porn Star Name Would Be ‘Smokey Sussex’

Justin Trudeau revealed his ‘porn star name’ in a 60 second challenge

Canada’s newly-elected Prime Minister has taken part in a rapid-fire 60 second challenge in which he reveals that he is a serious Star Wars fan, that he can recite poetry – and what his 'porn star name' would be.

Justin Trudeau took part in a light-hearted challenge for Macleans magazine that they called “Justin Trudeau In 60 Seconds,” ahead of a more serious event for the Canadian publication later this week. Trudeau will answer Canadian citizens’ questions in an end of year Town Hall interview that will be broadcast live by the magazine.

Swiping through questions on a tablet, Trudeau reached one about his childhood pet’s name. “Smokey,” he said. Then he reminded everyone, unprompted, that he grew up at 24 Sussex Drive while his father was leading the country.

You can watch the full Macleans video below:



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