Officials Say Dallas Ebola Patient's Condition Deteriorated Significantly Over the Weekend

This is bad news.

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According to the Centers for Disease Control, the condition of the patient suffering from the first confirmed case of the Ebola virus in the U.S. worsened over the weekend. 

According to the Washington PostDr. Thomas R. Frieden said that Thomas Eric Duncan is currently "fighting for his life," adding that "his situation has a taken a turn for the worse." Furthermore, NBC Dallas-Fort Worth reports that Candace White, a spokesperson for Texas Health Resources, said Duncan's condition was "critical" as of Saturday. The Post adds that his condition was still critical as of yesterday. 

Duncan, a Liberian citizen who had traveled to the country recently, was hospitalized after exhibiting Ebola-like symptoms. He was briefly released from Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital Dallas only to return two days later and receive official diagnosis. 

Gawker mentions that if Duncan survives, there's a strong chance he'll face legal action from the Liberian government for providing false information on an exit visa, as well as charged from authorities in Dallas. 

[via Washington Post, NBC Dallas-Fort Worth and Gawker]

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