New York City Could Set Record for Lowest Murder Rate This Year

Impressive, but violent crime as a whole is still on the rise.

At this rate, New York City is poised to record the fewers murders in 60 years. At October's end, there had only been 279 murders in the city, a 23 percent drop over the same period last year when there were 364. 

In 2012, there were 419 murders in the city, the lowest figure since the NYPD began tracking the number in 1963. If the current pace continues, there will be roughly 100 less murders in New York City by the end of the year. Natturally, the NYPD credits the drop in homicides to focusing on domestic violence and youth gangs. They'd attribute it to stop-and-frisk if they could, but they've dropped by 53 percent in 2013 as well.

However, don't be too quick to characterize the city as safer just yet: violent crimes, including robberies and rapes, have risen by two percent. 

[via Gothamist]

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