Video: China Rats - "(At Least Those) Kids Are Getting Fed"


Songs are kind of like conversations. Sometimes you start off making small talk. Sometimes you enjoy that, sometimes you don’t, but if you’re lucky there is a moment, a turning point, when it clicks and goes to the next level.

China Rats’ “(At Least Those) Kids Are Getting Fed” starts off as a solid rock song. It builds into a catchy enough chorus with some agreeable melody and nice harmonizing. Then at 0:37, the excess noise cuts out as lead singer Graeme Thomson sings, very sharply and very British, “At least those kids are getting fed. At least those kids are getting fed.” This is the clicking point.

The song was inspired by the kids that used to hang out on Graeme’s street in Leeds. Check out more from China Rats, including some freebies for download, at their Soundcloud.
