Pussy Riot Members Perform at the Sochi Olympics, Get Attacked With Whips

See what happened when Pussy Riot members showed up at the Sochi Olympics and were met with whips, batons, and pepper spray.


Pussy Riot has continued to make headlines with their protests against the oppression of Vladmir Putin and the Russian government, and over a year in prison hasn’t silenced them. Their latest protest comes in the form of a trip to the Sochi Olympics, where six members of the group very briefly set up an impromptu performance under the Sochi Olympics sign.

Shortly after the performance started, the six members were attacked by the Cossack militia, an organization used as an auxiliary police force to patrol the streets and provide security in the Krasnodar province. The Cossacks used whips, batons, and what appears to be pepper spray to break up the performance.

Police arrived at the scene to question witnesses, but according to the Associated Press, nobody was arrested.
