Daily Discovery: Reece

Image via Facebook


Image via Facebook

Image via Facebook

Daily Discovery is a feature that will highlight a new or recently discovered artist that we’re excited about. See the rest of our Daily Discoveries here.

The other week, Appleby was in New York to see our No Ceilings show and meet some people. We were up late one night listening to new music, sharing some random sounds that we were feeling at the moment, trying to play something new that the other person hadn’t already heard (not an easy task since we both spend half our time on SoundCloud).

Appleby played Reece’s “Ghost,” and the second that chorus hit, I had to know more. Who is this? What’s his story? Why haven’t we ever posted him? The song is as haunting as the title suggests, and the quiver in Reece’s voice is enough to cause chills. By the end of the song, I was already plotting a post.

So, here we are.



First, can you introduce yourself? Where are you from, how old are you, or what are you willing to share with people?

I’m Reece, which is both my real name and artist name. I’m 18 years old and I’m from Woodbridge, which is in Northern Virginia. I graduated high school last year and since then I’ve spent my life dedicated to pursuing music. Besides music, I have a real love for fashion.

Virginia seems to have a pretty healthy music scene. Have you been connecting with a lot of other artists out there, or do you stick to yourself?

There are definitely a ton of talented artists out here that I have respect for. So far I’ve remained in a small circle of friends and musicians that I’ve known for years. I do, however, want to reach out and start networking with more local artists.

So far, you’re pretty mysterious, offering up very little information about yourself and using blurred photos. Why is this?

I’m naturally a very private person, which makes it hard for me to truly open up unless it’s through a song. I love using blurred photos for my cover art because I find it to be the aesthetic equivalent to the music and I also find that people are able to focus solely on the music and what I’m saying rather than my personal appearance.



When did you start making music? What are your influences?

I started making music when I was 16 as sort of an experiment to see how I would do at it. Growing up, I listened to a lot of what was on the radio, but I think the biggest influence for me sonically was Imogen Heap. I remember religiously listening to her album Speak For Yourself when I was 9 years old—I was a weird kid—and being inspired by the airiness and ethereal nature her voice possesses. Stylistically, I’m inspired by Adele, Lana Del Rey, Frank Ocean, Yuna, and The Weeknd.

Your voice is amazing. When did you start singing? Are you trained? Who are your favorite singers?

Thank you! To be honest I can’t remember a time where I wasn’t singing, it’s always been second nature for me. I’ve never been formally trained, however I do want to get training because I feel like every aspiring singer should get some sort of basic vocal training if they haven’t already. Of course some of my favorite singers are the ones who’ve influenced me, but currently I’ve been really into FKA twigs, Kwamie Liv, Corbin, and Sam Smith, to name a few.

Do you produce or play instruments?

I don’t produce yet but I’m in the process of learning how to, and it’s a goal of mine to produce my own music one day. I played cello for six years, but let’s just say I’m a better singer.



I first heard you when Appleby played me “Ghosts.” How did you link with Appleby?

I met Appleby through Twitter! A guy named Jose (@JoseJrDorantes on Twitter) made a tweet that contained links to both of our SoundClouds, we both wound up enjoying the others music so we followed each other and became friends. I think Appleby is dope, I appreciate him as an artist and as a person. He’s been very supportive of me.

Can you tell me a little about “Ghosts” and what that song means to you?

I wrote “Ghost” at a time where I was immensely uncertain about my future. I was getting ready to graduate and take a year off from school to pursue music while trying to cope with the fact that everyone I grew up with and became close to were going to leave. I took the fear that was in me and wrote “Ghost” in a way that would hopefully make it relatable.

Most of your music seems pretty dark. Would you consider yourself a sad person, happy person, somewhere in the middle? Do darker things click with you more musically?

I’m definitely somewhere in the middle, however when I’m bothered by something I tend to bottle it up until I write music, where all those complicated emotions are released. That being said, I see a certain beauty in darker songs that more upbeat songs may not necessarily possess.

What’s your goal with music?

My goal with music is to be successful, and to me success is being able to make music that can connect with people on a global level. I want to use music as a stepping stone to one day be in the position to discover and nurture talent that may otherwise go unnoticed.


