Daily Discovery: hnrk and drip-133




Daily Discovery is a feature that will highlight a new or recently discovered artist who we’re excited about. See the rest of our Daily Discoveries here.

By Ben Niespodziany

hnrk and drip-133 (both lowercase), are two buzzing producers affiliated with the music/art/life collective Team Sesh. The two producers, both of whom stay out of the spotlight and hide or distort their faces in pictures, are known for releasing atmospheric and emotional instrumentals that take elements from countless genres: cloud rap, R&B, ambient, trap, you name it.

These two names, who have worked with vocalists like Bones and Spooky Black, are selective with who they work with, but they release solo music via SoundCloud and Bandcamp at an alarming rate.

hnrk, who resides in Germany, released two EPs last year and drops a song or two every month on his SoundCloud. He has produced for artists like Bones, Spooky Black, Lil’ B, and Appleby. Meanwhile, drip-133 resides in Michigan and has released four albums in the last six months, including Held Happy, seven songs that were released earlier this month. All of drip-133’s songs come free of charge, just as he likes.

These producers encompass the home studio ideal; young adults working in the basement, away from the sunshine, making song after song. Therapeutic and prolific, their musical output is something to admire.

Being as how these two talents are on opposite sides of the globe, it’s fascinating how they have come together through their respective computer screens, collaborating on numerous instrumentals, including “nesting” from three months ago. As a result, we thought it only right to feature a double interview and learn about their process as well as what they have in store for the remainder of the year.

Hey guys, how’s it going?

drip-133: It is definitely going.

hnrk: I’m alright.

What are you currently working on?

D: Just a few things here and there. I really am just making songs, there is nothing more I want to share as of right now.

hnrk, you have a new EP on the way. What can you tell us about it?

H: I tried to use no samples this time, the only thing I did sample-wise was some vocal sampling. Otherwise it’s the usual style of music I am known for with new elements, sounds and experiments embedded.

How long have you been working on your EP?

H: I worked on those tracks for like two weeks.

What’s the process like for you when it comes to crafting an instrumental?

D: A lot of the time, I get these intense “prolific” thoughts lol that come together before I even open the program. In these moments, everything I place or blindly sequence fits perfectly first attempt. It is definitely something I can’t ever intentionally emulate.

How would you describe your music to a stranger on the street?

D: I just wouldn’t.

H: Melancholic and cold yet calm. Airy, relaxing, and atmospheric.

What do you have planned for the rest of the year?

D: I just want make and release free music.

H: I will try to get through my studies, work on more music and move to the U.S. in due time.

Outside of your own music, what/who have you been listening to recently?

D: My brothers.

H: A lot of Elliott Smith, Olafur Arnalds, Lil B, Bones, Studio Ghibli soundtracks and a lot of footwork. Besides that, all of my friends music and whatever I like; I’m pretty open to any kind of music.

Do you have any advice for struggling artists?

D: Struggling how? Money and fame-wise or creatively inept? Either way, only thing I can say is just do what you feel is right, make music for you and just have a good time.

H: Keep working, don’t copy trends, develop your own unique sound over time from inspirations and learn to appreciate your own sound. Also be patient and overall appreciative of everything.

Any final words/thoughts/shout-outs?

D: I just want to say that anything I release, anyone can use for anything. I will never stop anyone from creating non-profit music, if it makes you happy, it makes me happy.

H: Shout-out to everyone who listens to my music or reads this, it means a lot to me. Also to all my friends and everybody.
