Max Frost - "White Lies"




Austin native Max Frost has been a very well kept secret—until now. The singer/songwriter played a couple of very well received SXSW shows but other than that, good luck finding much about him on the Internet. “White Lies,” his most recent offering, is a soulful dance-infused tune. It sounds the the product of an Electric Guest/Gnarls Barkley love child. The upbeat guitar mixed with the synthy electronic production come together to form a killer musical marriage. If this is what the newcomer has to offer below the radar, it will be very exciting to see what he comes up with once he breaks.

If you dig “White Lies,” check out his video for his slow jam, “Nice & Slow.” If you ever wondered what would it would look like if coked out John Mayer and Patrick Bateman somehow came together as one, wonder no more. Warning: this video is a bit graphic.
