Watch Brian Eno Tour the John Peel Archive and Talk About The Velvet Underground

Brian Eno is set to deliver this year’s John Peel Lecture, an event that gives an insight into the “state of broadcasting in the 21st Century” featuring a lecture given by a figure from the music industry.

The lecture will take place tomorrow and will be broadcast on BBC 6 Music and BBC Four. According to BBC, Eno will “seek to demonstrate how the whole complex of individuals and institutions engaged in culture – artists, broadcasters, gallerists, promoters, DJs, managers, lawyers, fans – are symbiotically connected parts of a single huge organism which we call Culture. He will outline some of his thinking on this very unpredictable ecology and explore the interconnective relationships between the elements and components that combine to create our culture, and show how cultural processes confer essential and important benefits on society.”

Peel was a source of influence for Brian Eno, saying that Peel “had a profound effect on [Eno’s] musical life and indeed [his] becoming a musician at all… [Peel’s] career as a non-musician who altered the course of music has been an inspiration to [Eno] and forms the basis of this talk.” In the above video, Eno gets to sift through John Peel’s records and discusses how the first time he heard The Velvet Underground was on Peel’s show in August 1967, which Eno describes as “a lighting bolt for [him].”

Watch Brian Eno take a tour of the John Peel archive above.
