Footage of Cee-Lo Green's Cell Phone Exploding in His Hand Surfaces

Many are speculating that it was the Samsung Galaxy Note 7.

Footage of Cee Lo Green's Phone Exploding

Image via Instagram

Footage of Cee Lo Green's Phone Exploding

UPDATE: Thankfully, it appears that the footage that seemed to show Cee-Lo Green being taken out by an exploding cell phone isn't real. The footage surfaced last night and can still be seen below. According to Cee-Lo, the clip is part of a new project called 'Gnarly Davidson,' with the Goodie Mob singer also telling fans via Facebook live that, “I just want to let everybody know that I am alive, and I’m well, and I’m OK,” he said in a Facebook live video on Saturday night. “Truthfully, I’m really upset that anybody had to be emotionally disturbed by what they saw today.”

A video of Cee-Lo Green's cell phone exploding in his hand while in use has surfaced. The footage shows Green falling onto the floor of a recording studio from his chair and laying motionlessly after the explosion. Ultimately, it is unknown what brand the phone in question is, but it would make sense that the faulty device shown in the clip is a Samsung Galaxy Note 7. It is also unclear when the video was recorded.

Earlier this year, Samsung recalled and discontinued production of the Galaxy Note 7 after reported cases of exploding phones due to overheating. After a second run of replacement phones for the ones that first caught on fire, over 93% of Samsung's US customers have returned the phone, according to CNET

Neither Cee-Lo Green nor Samsung have responded to the video yet, leading some to suspect that the surveillance footage might be fake. Others have pointed out whether or not the footage is indeed real, Samsung's reputation will nonetheless continue to diminish.

Watch the jarring footage of Cee-Lo Green's cell phone exploding in his hand below.

