Anonymous Artist WEIRDO Shares Wildly Catchy Song "Armanio"




Ready for another faceless new artist with awesome music? Meet WEIRDO, a songwriter/producer from the UK and based in Germany right now. He’s been a songwriter in various other projects over the years, so he’s choosing to go anonymous for his new solo project.

On his name, WEIRDO explains, “I’ve always been weird, I’ve always been told I’m a strange one, and I think within my coming of age I’ve learnt to embrace it and project it with my art. I’ve found a good bunch of musical friends and we have formed a little collective for the live thing which we have been practicing here in Berlin.We have an EP which I have just finished in my little home studio and just releasing songs one by one for now”

When the timing is right, WEIRDO plans on releasing a press picture and getting ready for live shows. “I suppose for now, I want people to hear the music and enjoy it and then realize who it is,” he says.

Today, we’re premiering an upbeat, insanely catchy track called “Armanio.” WEIRDO explains it as a song “about a girl I know who is lovely and awesome, but has one of these cling-on boyfriends who is just obsessive and insecure—I mean, it’s something that happens a lot for sure and its a shout out to all the awesome people in love with the wrong guy or girl. It’s a fun dancing song I suppose and overall it should be a track to help you get over someone maybe!”
