Watch Teenage Mac DeMarco Improvise A Song About Charlie Brown And Sheep


Throughout his career, Mac DeMarco has been known for his oddball sense of humor—Remember when he and Tyler, The Creator made a song about having sex with a granny? It turns out that DeMarco has always had a penchant for alternative comedy: a video recently surfaced of him as a teenager improvising a song about Charlie Brown on keyboard, and it sure is weird.

In the clip, which was uploaded last year but was just recently brought to the attention of Stereogum, DeMarco plays a keyboard and sings about the wholesome, family-friendly comic strip star committing bestiality with a sheep. DeMarco’s representatives have not yet confirmed that the kid in the video is in fact DeMarco, but the resemblance and absurdity of the footage make us want to believe.

Either way, the video adds a new, creepier dimension to “The Way You’d Love Her,” from this year’s Another One. Also, in case you didn’t catch the subliminal image at 16 seconds into the video:


Image via YouTube

Image via YouTube
