David Bowie is Writing Songs for a SpongeBob Squarepants Musical

And this isn't the first time Bowie's worked with the Spongebob Squarepants creators.

Image via DavidBowie.com


Image via DavidBowie.com

Image via DavidBowie.com

If there’s one lesson that 2015 continuously tries to teach me, it’s to expect the unexpected. But I’m quite stubborn so I have yet to learn this lesson. To be fair, it’s very difficult to try to act unbothered when mind boggling news like David Bowie writing songs for a SpongeBob Squarepants music seemingly appears out of thin air.

As surprisingly as this news seems on the surface, it’s not all that odd considering the fact that Bowie has already worked with the SpongeBob Squarepants creators before. In 2007, Bowie voiced the character of Lord Royal Highness in an episode of the hit Nickelodeon series.

This time around David Bowie will reportedly be writing songs for the upcoming SpongeBob Squarepants Broadway musical. Alongside Bowie, other acts such as John Legend, Dirty Projectors, Cyndi Lauper, The Flaming Lips and They Might Be Giants. The idea of a SpongeBob music is intriguing on its own, but with all of these musicians on board it seems like something to look forward to.

According to Entertainment Weeklythe musical will first premiere for a short run at Chicago’s Oriental Theatre from June 7-July 3 before heading to New York for Broadway’s 2016—2017 season.


